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MBBCh MPhil. MRCPsych. PhD

Consultant Psychiatrist

GMC no. 3037159


What does a psychiatrist do?

A Consultant Psychiatrist is a qualified medical doctor who has specialised in mental health.

I undertake an assessment of an individual's mental health problem.

I will come to an opinion or diagnosis taking into account any psychological or psychosocial issues which may be relevant.


Treatment options are then discussed. These may involve medication, counselling / therapy and / or psychosocial interventions (addressing social issues, which have a psychological impact). A treatment plan is discussed and agreed with the patient.


Explanation / education is provided about:

(i) my opinion / diagnosis,

(ii) the illness / disorder,

(iii) the treatment(s).


Prognosis, i.e. likely length of illness, treatment and outcome is discussed.


Referral to appropriate specialists may be undertaken as required.


My personal views on assessment and treatment:

I adopt a holistic, multidimensional approach when assessing people.

Medications do have a role to play in treatment but I am cautious about tablets and tend to err towards non-medication type treatments if possible.

I am open to discussion about complementary and spiritual type treatments.


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